Student of the Academy of Arts; in 1851-1 silver medal; 1853-2 gold medal for the program "the flight of the SV. Family in Egypt." In 1855-the title of the artist; 1857-a silver medal for the sketch "Death of children of Niobe", and the title of the artist XIV class. In 1860, the academician of historical painting for the painting "Ruth in the field of Boaz"; 1861-assistant Professor-Professor of the Academy of Arts. (Kondakov)
Academician of history painting, an associate Professor at the Academy of fine Arts. At the Academy of Arts and studied predominantly from Markov. Even when he was a student of the Academy gained a good reputation as a draughtsman (involved, among other things, in a humorous edition of Nevakhovich ""jumble""). In 1853 Beideman received a gold medal (""the Flight into Egypt""), and upon completion of the course in 1855 went to Germany, Italy and Paris, where I worked. On his return, in addition to teaching at the drawing school and the Grand Dukes Alexis and Sergius Alexander, Beideman engaged in religious painting. At the Academy of Arts has given to her by Emperor Alexander II album, encompassing 150 drawings, images, written or engineered Begemann. In 1860 Beideman made academician for the painting", "Ruth in the field of Boaz, and the following year was appointed associate Professor by competition for the execution of the sketch: ""the Death of children of Niobe"". Known his watercolor painting ""the apotheosis of the liberation of the peasants"". In the Russian Museum there is a painting of Beideman ""country pub"".
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