Едуардович ГОЛИКОВ

born in XXI century

Biography and information

(November 28, 1954, Lviv) - painter. M NSHU (1988). Closed Lviv. other example. and the decor. Mist-va (1977; ed. O. Ovsiychuk, Yu. Shcherbatenko). On creativity to work Works in design, monum. painting, ceramics, interior, furniture design. Member region, republic, alliance. and overseas artistic Exhibitions from 1975. Person. - in Lviv (1988). Co-organizer of the theater studio "Paradise Birds" (1994).

TV: painting - triptych "The Day of Wrath" (1988-89), "People's Court", "In the Temple", "Myths" (all - 1988), "Ritual" (1989); "Night", "Kings" (both - 1987), "Generation", "Prophets", "Blessed" (all - 1988), "Evening", "Closed", "Red Structure", "Love" (all - 1989). ), "Bowl", "Paradise", "Moonlight" (all - 1990), "Unknown", "Anatomy Lesson" (both 1991), "Odalisk" (1992), "Players", "Harlequin with a Skull" (both - 1999), «Card Players», «Clown with harmony», «Two with an angel», «Solomye», «Family of clowns», «Night dinner with knight» (all - 2000), «Sirens» (2001).