Sergeyevna Boyko AdyanPRO

Russia • Moscow • born in 1974 • artist
Elena Boyko (Adyan) was born in Moscow. She studied at Picture School № 4, Moscow Polygraphic Institute, Moscow State Art and Industry Institute named after S. G. Stroganov. In 1998 she graduated from the Moscow State Art and Industry Institute n.a. Stroganov. Participates in exhibitions since 1996. Since 1997 regularly exhibits paintings and ceramics in the Central House of Artists, Moscow.
1996 - personal exhibition "Another Sadness", creative center "DF", Moscow.
2007 г. - personal exhibition "The Lost World", Central House of Artists, Moscow.
2017 г. - personal exhibition "Abandoned Pigeon House", Central House of Artists, Moscow.
2003 - work in Italy, participation in the international contest of ceramicists in Vietri,
since 2003 - participation in youth exhibitions of the Ministry of Culture and the Moscow Union of Artists of Russia.
Member of the International Union of Artists since 2006, member of the International Union of Artists of Russia since 2008.
Teaching: 1993-1995 works as a master of industrial training in the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry. 2003-2007, teacher of ceramics in the rehabilitation center of Moscow. 2005-2007 gives private lessons in drawing, painting and sculpture.
from 2007-2017, he teaches sculpture, ceramics and drawing at art schools in Moscow, a teacher of the highest qualification category.
2021 - joint exhibition with Alexey Markov in the halls of the Museum of Arts at Kuznetsky Most, 20.
At present, Elena Boyko is engaged in ceramics, painting and sculpture.
Works are in State Darwin Museum, in private collections in Russia, Italy, Germany and the United States.

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