Artist, futurologist, member of the St. Petersburg Union of Designers, PhD in Art History, Professor of the Department of Art Theory at the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. He was awarded the Badge of Honor "For Merit in the Development of Design" and the title "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation".
Born in Leningrad on December 26, 1933. Higher education, in 1956 graduated from the V.I. Mukhina Leningrad State Academy of Arts and Industry (since 1994 Saint-Petersburg Academy of Arts and Industry named after A.L. Stieglitz). A.L. Stieglitz.) Qualification - the artist of decorative-applied art. In 1965-1969, he studied at the postgraduate correspondence course of the Moscow Art Institute (former Moscow Stroganov School). In 1974 he defended his dissertation. D. in Art History (in Technical Aesthetics). By experience - a designer of a wide profile. In the periods from 1963 to 1969 and from 1978 to 1990 he worked at the Leningrad branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics, involved in design and creative, research, expert and advisory design activities. He was a member of the Scientific Council of the Leningrad Branch of VNIITE. From 1969 to 1978 he worked at the Central Research Institute "Lot" (Ministry of Shipbuilding) as the head of the industry unit for the design and examination of household goods. As a result of his long creative activity in different organizations, about 100 designs of various groups and types of household and industrial products, their packaging, as well as interiors of enterprises of various kinds. The best of the implemented developments were demonstrated at domestic and foreign exhibitions, awarded with diplomas and medals and protected by the certificates for industrial designs (12 certificates were received). He taught part-time at the V.I. Mukhina Higher School of Art and Industry from 1976-1977 academic year to 1980-1981 academic year and in 1987-1988 academic year. On the author's programs he taught a course of lectures "Scientific and methodical bases of art design" and (bases of typology and assortment of industrial products. During those years he was also engaged in propaganda of achievements and methods of design, being the member of the bureau of the section "Technical Aesthetics" in Leningrad House of Scientific and Technical Propaganda (LDNTP) of "Znanie" society of RSFSR. Held conferences, seminars, cycles of lectures on topical problems of design, lectured and edited collections of materials of conferences, seminars and separate editions of LDNTP devoted to design. Repeatedly participated in the broadcasts of Leningrad radio and television on various aspects of design. Throughout the 1970s-1980s he regularly participated in the work of a number of specialized artistic and technical councils and commissions of the city, controlling the level of quality of certain groups of household goods. He was awarded honorary certificates and diplomas of the RSFSR "Znanie" society, the Main Department of Trade, the Main Department of Public Education of the Leningrad City Executive Committee, as well as of the Leningrad branch of the VNIITE and the Leningrad organization of the Union of Designers. From 1994 to 2012, he was an associate professor at the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design, first at the Department of Design, and then (since 2003) at the Department of History and Theory of Art. In 1999 Medvedev V.Y. was awarded with the academic title of associate professor in the Department of Design. Under 8 authored programs to teach courses and conducted practical classes with students from various departments and faculties. During this period of work he published several dozens of articles in scientific journals of St. Petersburg State University of Trade and Industry and developed 7 textbooks for the taught disciplines. Five of them were republished several times, 6 received the vulture "UMO" (educational-methodical association of Russian universities in the field of design and fine arts), recommended as teaching aids for students of universities studying in the specialty "design". For the entire period of his creative activity Mr. Medvedev has published over 130 scientific and educational works including articles, pamphlets, monographs, tutorials on relevant issues of history, theory, and methodology of design. The last monograph - a collection of articles "Scientific aspects of design" was published in 2014 and republished in 2016. The total work experience of V.Y. Medvedev after graduation from the institute is 56 years, the experience of scientific and pedagogical work - 43 years, including pedagogical experience - 24 years. In 1989 Mr. Medvedev was awarded the medal "Veteran of Labor," has a certificate "Veteran of Labor. Since 1987, a member of the Union of Designers of the USSR, and since 1992 - a member of the Public Creative Regional Organization "St. Petersburg Union of Designers. Till last years has taken an active part in the public life of the organization of the section "Theory and Pedagogy of Design". In 2003 Presidium of Council of Russian Designers Union awarded Medvedev with the honorary badge "For merits in development of design". In the same year V. Medvedev was also awarded with Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education "For long-term and fruitful scientific, pedagogical and social activities, great contribution to the work of the university in preparation of highly qualified specialists. In 2008 V.Y. Medvedev was awarded with the badge (industry award) "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation". In 2016, he was awarded the diploma of OTPO SPb Sd "For Contribution to the Development of St. Petersburg Union of Designers".
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