Since the time of the mammoth

Анна Кудрявцева • Arte gráfico, 50×70 cm
Acerca de la obra
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Forma del arte: Arte gráfico
Tópico y objetos:
Estilo: El realismo
Técnica: Pastel
Materiales: El papel
Tamaño: 50×70 cm
Obra en las selecciones: 1 selection

Descripción de la obra «Since the time of the mammoth»

Since the time of the mammoth
50x70 cm, 2023
Originally from the Ice Age
The musk oxen appeared on Earth over a million years ago and survived the Ice Age thanks to their warm wool, which can withstand temperatures below -60 degrees Celsius.
These hardy animals feed on grasses, mosses and lichens. In winter, with their powerful hooves, they dig through meters of snow to find food.
Once there were two species of musk oxen, but a century and a half ago, one species became completely extinct and the other is on the verge of extinction due to humans. In case of danger, musk oxen defend themselves by gathering in a circle, with females and calves in the center and large males on the outside. They take turns lunging, attacking the enemy. This makes them an easy target for hunters. It is now illegal to shoot musk oxen.
To restore the population, nurseries have been organized in Russia, the United States and Canada. The largest one is located in Yamal, in the Polar-Uralsky Nature Park.
