Vasilyevich Basin

Russia • 1793−1877

Biografía e información

Is a student of Professor V. K. Shebuev. Bassin spent 11 years in Rome. He wrote about a hundred pictures, the best belong to the Academy of arts. On his return to Saint Petersburg in 1830, is recognized as an academician for the painting "Socrates saves Alcibiades", soon then began teaching, and in 1836 he received the title of Professor. In 1869, left the Department. He has written numerous portraits, allegorical figures decorating the halls of the Winter Palace, but the fame he has created work in the field of religious painting. So, remarkably written by him on polyvore on the academic altar of the Church "Descent of the Holy spirit on the apostles." In addition, he has written to 40 images and religious paintings for St. Isaac's Cathedral.

The son of an official, was born in St. Petersburg. In 1811, he enrolled as a volunteer at the Academy of arts. His teacher was V. K. Shebuev. The painting "Christ cast out of the temple in Jerusalem selling" brought the artist fame and academic pension for a trip abroad.

From 1819 to 1830 he worked in Italy. Copies of the Vatican frescoes of Raphael "plagued by the Apostle Peter from prison", "Ballensky mass" painting "Faun Marsyas teaches young Olimpia playing Syrinx", "Susanna caught by the elders in the bath," "Robber, kidnapping girl from her mother", "Raskatannoe players", "Italian landscape" - is not a complete list of works by talented artist made during this period.

In 1830, for the painting "Socrates at the siege of Potidaea saves Alcibiades" Bassin received the title of academician. In the same year the artist returned to St. Petersburg.

In the 1830-ies he wrote for the Winter Palace forty mythological figures and the light of the Palace Church. The order of St .. Vladimir 4-th degree and the gold medal minted in commemoration of the restoration of the Palace after the fire, to reward the artist for this work. At the same time it performs another significant order - artistic composition for the altar of the Kazan Cathedral.

In 1831, the basin is Professor of second degree in the class of historical and portrait painting Academy of fine arts. For forty years he was engaged in pedagogical activity.

From 1843 to 1855 P. V. basin worked on the scenic design of St. Isaac's Cathedral.

For the chapel of St. Alexander Nevsky he created the painting "the Lord Almighty, carried by the angels", "SV. Alexander Nevsky, praying before the cross for the deliverance of the Fatherland", "Victory of St. Alexander Nevsky over the Swedes, the Christian death of St. Alexander Nevsky", "the transfer of the relics of St. Alexander Nevsky from Vladimir to St. Petersburg in 1724".

For the chapel of St. Catherine Peter V. wrote "the Taking into heaven of the mother of God", "Suffering Martyr Catherine", "the suffering of the great Martyr George", "Renunciation of all the benefits of the great Martyr Barbara".

Brush P. V. basin belong to the images of saints in the sails under small domes of these aisles.

But the most significant work of the artist in St. Isaac's Cathedral is considered painting "the sermon on the mount" in the attic of the Central transept South wall. However, the basin was brilliantly finished ill K. P. Briullov painting under the Central dome. He scrupulously followed the sketches and cartoons Bryullov, the author of adhering to the chosen color.

For the work in the Cathedral, the artist was awarded the order of St. Vladimir 3rd degree and a gold medal on St. Andrew ribbon. A year after the completion of the paintings of St. Isaac's Cathedral basin was elevated to the rank of distinguished Professor.

The last known of his works are written in 1867, the cartoons for the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

Because of the illness of basin completed the painting of the academician of painting A. Koshelev, as well as his time Bassin performed painting Briullov boards for St. Isaac's Cathedral.

In 1869, the basin in the rank of state Councilor resigned.

He died in St. Petersburg.