Yakovlevna Bruschetty-Mitrokhin

Russia • 1872−1942

Born in 1872 in the town of Romny, Poltava province in the family of a railway engineer. In 1891 he graduated from Lomonosov gymnasium in Riga. He received his artistic education at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture, where he studied sculpture in the studios of p. P. Trubetskoy and S. M. Volnukhin and painting at I. Repin, K. A. Korovin and V. A. Serov.

After graduation from 1902 to 1905 he worked in the ceramic workshop Mamontov, translated by the time of the estate of Abramtsevo in Moscow, in the area of the Butyrsky Outpost. Here, she created her first independent works, of which the most famous was the porcelain sculpture "Alyonushka". From 1906 to 1908, the A. Bruschetta-Mitrokhin has taught drawing at the commercial school in Tver.

In 1908 he moved to St. Petersburg, and until 1915 he worked in the ceramic workshop of the school Society for the encouragement of arts, trying himself in different ceramic materials: porcelain, faience, majolica. For the first time in the history of Russian art executed in majolica easel sculptural portrait, capturing in it the artist V. Novodvorskaya.

In 1914, E. A. Lansere, was in charge at the time the art Department of the Imperial porcelain factory, invited A. Bruschetta-Mitrokhin (together with N. I. Danko) to the plant. At first, Lancer had charged her to complete a sculptural reliefs for their vases. This is essentially a student work did not suit her, and she soon moved to Pskov, where from 1915 to 1919 he taught composition at the art and industrial school N.F. Fan der flit. (School lasted from 1913 to 1919. The headmaster was known ceramics expert and enthusiast of his craft.GN F. Root).

For the state porcelain factory put out in 1918, Bruschetta-Mitrokhin has performed several of the figures, typical of Petersburg in those years. One of them, called "Stove selling things" (known to other titles On the market, Bourgeois – vendor), replicated at the factory and enjoyed extraordinary popularity.

In the collection of A. A. Garin is the only known copy of another sculpture - lady seated in an armchair - not adopted in production.

In subsequent years, A. Bruschetta-Mitrokhin made a series of figures of the dancers, and in 1939-1940 - physical series.

Wife graphics by D. I. Mitrokhin.

He died A. Y., Bruschetta-Mitrokhin in 1942 in the besieged Leningrad.

Known for the following works:

Bourgeois, selling things, porcelain, overglaze painting, model 1918, ЗЗХ10Х8, State porcelain factory. Stored in VMDPNI (Moscow) – an instance of 1919, in the collection of B. N. Vasilieva – instance - green stencil mark: a sickle, hammer, part of the gear; blue: 1923. Published - From the collection of Boris Vasilyev. Painting. Graphics. Monotype. Porcelain. SPb., 1994. P. 53, in the book Samecki E. B. Soviet propaganda porcelain. The Handbook. (M., 2004. P. 84, and 85 with illustration).

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