Vasilyevich Alyokhin

Russia • 1857−1936

Biografía e información

Student of the Academy of Arts from 1882 to 1888, the second and the first silver medal in 1887 and In 1888 the title of class artist of 2 degrees. (Kondakov)

Was born in Kursk. In 1882 - 1888 he studied at the Academy of fine Arts, from which he graduated, receiving the title of class artist of 2 nd degree.

Inspired by Tolstoy's doctrine, worked together with his brother Arkady V. organization of a number of agricultural communes, including the hamlet of gremyachiy Kotaleski parish (1891 - 1892), were part of the Kursk province. Preserved his extensive correspondence with Tolstoy, stored in the Museum "Yasnaya Polyana".

The tsarist government in the early twentieth century exiled artist from Central Russia to the South, in the suburb of Nalchik (Kabardino-Balkaria), where he lived for 30 years, wrote most of his works, engaged in the enlightenment; he taught the mountain Jews at the school painting and drawing; he also painted portraits of mountain Jews.

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