Ivanovich Vakhrameev

Russia • 1874−1926

Student of the Academy of Arts from 1896 to 1903; 31 Oct 1903-the title of the artist for the painting "the Triumph of the spirit." (Kondakov)

He studied at the private art school of M. Tenishevoy I. Repin (1895) and the Higher art school at Academy of arts under P. Kovalevsky (1896-1904).The Chairman of the Association of independent (1910-1917). Member of the Society. A. Kuindzhi (1917) and the Association of artists of Revolutionary Russia (1925). Taught at the Penza art school (1906-1909), the Drawing school of OPKh in St. Petersburg (1912-1918), the higher art school in Leningrad (1920-1925), since 1921 – Professor.

Participant of exhibitions since 1902 (AH, a "New society of artists", etc.) Participated in the painting of Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Sofia (1912, Bulgaria).

Painted for the St. Petersburg magazine "the Jester" (1902), "Humayun" (1906), "Spring" (1914) etc. Personal exhibition was held in 1927 in Leningrad.

Works of the artist are in the Tretyakov gallery, the state Russian Museum, state Hermitage, the Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin, in many regional museums and in private collections in Russia and abroad.

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