Kirillovich Krotov

Russia • nació en 1913

Biografía e información

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.
Alexander Krotov was born on 20 March 1913 in the family of workers in Ivanovo — Voznesensk, after high school trade schools, worked as an assistant foreman at the factory named after Dzerzhinsky.In1936, the year he graduated from the Ivanovo art College, where his teachers were M. S. Perin, A. M. Kuznetsov, N. P. The Sekirin.
In1936, the year after graduating from College, Alexander K. worked as a drawing teacher in the village of Semenovskoe Kostroma region. In the same year the artist was called up for military service in the town of Kronstadt. During the Great Patriotic war was a sailor of the Amur flotilla. In 1942 participated in the battle of Stalingrad ordinary platoon of Marines. In 1943 he was seriously wounded and contused. Service in the Navy had a huge influence on all his future work. Since 1943, Alexander Krotov — member of the artists Union of the USSR.
From 1952 to 1962 Alexander Kirillovich part of a group of marine painters working in Gurzuf. In 1955 he was a member of the 2nd all-Union exhibition of marine painters. Among the best works of the marine painter is the painting "On the border", exhibited at the all-Union exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the victory over Germany.Great creative success was the performance of the all-Union exhibition "On guard for peace" picture "Of the combat mission".
Landscape of Central Russia, the Volga and the urban landscapes of Kineshma, Plyos, Yurievets is also reflected in the work of Alexander Kirillovich, the bright representative of Russian realistic school of painting.
The creative legacy of Alexander Krotov versatile and varied: landscapes of Central Russia (Volga, Plyos), and genre paintings, and still lifes. But the sacred theme in the artist's work — the sea. It is in his work always alive: that gentle and tender in a tense mysterious lull that change their glitter and paint, the raging and destruction in the highest of the terrible condition of the sea. Alexander Krotov's paintings are full of light and air, the canvas seems as if woven of color. In his work he often used an elongated horizontal canvas to achieve the impression of even greater magnitude and breadth of marine spaces. The painter could always find the exact means for the image of greatness, power and beauty of the sea.
The works of A. K. Krotova are in the collections of the Ivanovo art Museum, the Plyos state Museum-reserve, in private collections in Russia and abroad.