Stepanovich Krushevsky

Ukraine • 1863−1938

Student of the Academy of Arts from 1891 to 1895 April 11, 1895 - the title of class artist; in 1899 the title of the artist for the painting "Alarm". (Kondakov)

Between 1891 and 1895 he studied at St. Petersburg Academy of arts. In 1899, for the painting "Anxiety", which is now stored in the namu, received the title of artist. He painted portraits, genre paintings, icons. Lived and worked in Kiev. In the early 1900s he organized and led a workshop in painting churches. Among others, his student and colleague, was a famous artist I. Horodecki. Artel painted churches in the Kiev, Vinnytsia, Volyn. In 1903 he painted the old Church of St. Nicholas Pritiska in Kiev, taking the sample of the painting of the Vladimir Cathedral. In the Soviet time continued to take an active part in the artistic life of Kiev. Opposed the destruction of Holy shrines, ancient temples, for which he was arrested by the NKVD. In 1996, in Kiev, near nafaa, was a monument to the artists and victims of repression, among the names immortalized – G. kruszewski. Many written icons perished during the destruction of the temples, so the saved image of the "virgin on the throne" and "Jesus Christ" are of exceptional artistic and historical-cultural value.

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