Mikhailovich Lyubimov

Russia • 1879−1956

Biografía e información

He studied at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture from 1901 at the Academy of fine Arts.

Graduated from the Academy at the Studio of I. E. Repin. 30 Oct 1909 - the title of the artist for the painting "Kain".

From 1912 to 1919 was Director of the Kharkov art College.

He was a Professor of the Leningrad Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture.

In 1998, the Museum of the Russian Academy of arts in St. Petersburg held an exhibition of works by A. M. Lyubimov. There were more than one hundred works that have touched and warmed the hearts of fans and professionals, at their request, the exhibition has been extended three times.

(1879. S. Finger Kursk province – 1955, Leningrad)

In 1895 – 1897 he studied at the evening classes of the Central school of technical drawing of Baron A. L. Stieglitz, then another three years at the school of the arts encouragement Society. In 1901 he enrolled as a volunteer at the Higher art school

at the Academy of fine arts in Studio Ie Repin.

Along with the painting carried away with the graphics, primarily the art of cartoon.

In 1900 and 1912, he collaborated with the magazine "Theater and art", creating an extensive gallery of images of theatrical figures of the century: Stanislavski, Gorky, Chaliapin, Sobinov, Meyerhold, Komissarzhevskaya and many others.

Since 1905 worked in the revolutionary print, making figures, mostly political cartoons for numerous magazines.

In 1909, Lyubimov received the title of artist for the painting "Cain" and continuing cooperation with the "Theater and art", seriously engaged in landscape and portrait.

In 1912, on the recommendation of Repin were sent to Kharkiv, where he headed the art school. During the Civil war served the campaign of panels and posters, designed the campaign train, worked in the Caucasus and the Transcaucasian offices GROWTH.

In 1927, at the invitation of the "red Gazette" returned to Leningrad. Collaborated

with the magazines "Krasnaya panorama" and "Around the world", worked in the field of film posters, created many portraits of artists.

Since 1934, was Professor of the Russian Academy of arts, from 1944 he headed the Department of painting at the Higher artistic-industrial school im. V. I. Mukhina

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