Mattiewicz Rannu

Russia • nació en 1958

Born in 1958 in Moscow. I finished school in Tallinn. Further, Moscow state University, biology Department. Studied painting since childhood, first with six years in the workshop of the painter from Tallinn - a medieval version of apprentice and journeyman, then - a couple of years he studied Mongolian-Tibetan wall paintings, and then for six years he studied Persian miniature in Samarkand.

... spent over twenty years traveling in Central Asia, proceeded on foot almost the entire Pamir and Tien Shan, and, when it became possible, when the borders were opened, he began to travel to India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, etc. Engaged in painting, photography, video art, computer graphics, it is necessary to publish articles and notes in various izdannyh ... in addition to participating in various group exhibitions, has held solo exhibitions in Moscow, Tallinn, Switzerland, South Africa, USA, etc. the Pictures are, in both private and corporate collections.

...Worked as an artist in film "Youth of genius," Uzbekfilm film on Avicenna. Collaborated with various publications and as an artist and as a writer...

(From the autobiography)

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