Semenovna Chesnokova

Russia • 1913−1988

Biografía e información

In another source date of birth: 1908-9-2

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

(1908 - 1988) was Born 2 Sep 1908 in Morshansk.

In 1937 he graduated from the Repin Institute of arts in Leningrad. Participant of exhibitions since 1935. Member of the Leningrad Union of artists since 1938.

Wrote historical and genre paintings, portraits, city and landscapes, still lifes.

Personal exhibitions in Leningrad (1976, 1978).

Thesis in the CVC (1928-1932), a monumental wall painting in the rest house of the village, Leningrad region. The training took place at the faculty of painting, awarded the title of artist

monumental painting.


Thesis in the CVC (1930-1937) - "Alloy steel" rating - excellent. The training took place at the faculty of painting in the master of I. I. Brodsky has been awarded the title of artist of painting.

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