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Digital copy: 12.9 MB 3802 × 4956 px • JPEG 21 × 28 cm • 450 dpi 64.4 × 83.9 cm • 150 dpi 32.2 × 42.0 cm • 300 dpi
Digital copy is a high resolution file, downloaded by the artist or artist's representative. The price also includes the right for a single reproduction of the artwork in digital or printed form.
A specimen of that fashion: no hair, no eyebrows, no lipstick invented. The slit of her eyes was outlandish, like a Japanese alien. It must have been the highest chic thing to wear rich clothes back then. How has the painting survived to this day - one restorer knows (had to crumble, but apparently the lacquer is resistant). Thank you for the opportunity to see this painting.
I don't think it's a collectible image. I just found such an interesting model and the artist could not pass by. And the painting did not crumble because it was properly and carefully preserved.
Мда. Мода на прическу была в те времена - не комментировать. Девушка явно из приличной семьи. Но что-то у нее с глазами: нет ресниц и век. Схожий портрет видел у ребенка, болеющего редким заболеванием "порфирия" (ее еще называют "вампирская болезнь"). Никогда не понимал стремления художников фламандской и близлежащих школ эпохи Ренесанса писать реалистичние портреты с обедненной светом сценой. Но портрет удалось сохранить - и это хорошо.