Efimovich Efimov (Fridland)

Russia • nació en 1900

Schedule Nar. hood. Of the USSR (1968), full member AH the USSR (1975), Hero of Socialist. Labor (1990). Brother M. Koltsov. Started out as an artist in Odessa and Kiev, and from 1922 cartoonist in gas. "Pravda", "Izvestia", Zh. "Crocodile" in Moscow. In the war, one of the organizers of the "TASS Windows". From 1966 chief editor of ia "Agitplakat". The author of the topical polit. cartoons, Fig. to production of Mayakovsky, Zoshchenko, Babel, Hasek, etc. works, Vol. "For forty years. Notes of the artist-satirist" (1961), "I want to tell you" (1970), "True stories" (1977). The Winner Of The St. St. (1950, 1951).

(born in 15.9.1900, Kiev), cartoonist, people's artist of USSR (1967), member of the Academy of arts of the USSR (1975), twice winner of the Stalin prize (1950, 1951). Brother M. E. Koltsov. From 1919 he worked in Krasnoarmeysk the press, the staff of the political Department of the 12th army. From 1921 he worked at the "Kiev truth", since 1922 - in the Newspapers "Pravda", "Izvestia", "Literaturnaya Gazeta", "Krasnaya Zvezda", the magazine "Crocodile", etc. by a huge number of topical cartoons. The best known were his works political content where he ridiculed the leaders of Nazi Germany (WWII), and then the imperialists, the capitalists, the revisionists (including Tito), etc. Absolutely "unsinkable" brilliant artist Efimov maintained its position as the leading caricaturist in all modes. In 1972 he received the State prize of the USSR. After the beginning of perestroika was one of the first to draw a caricature of Stalin.

(Zalessky K. A. Biographical encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow, Veche, 2000)

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