Fedorovich Timm

Russia • 1820−1895

Biografía e información

V. F. Timm was born in the family of the burgomaster of Riga.

In 1835 the 39 years studied in the Petersburg Academy of arts under the painter A. I. Sauerweid and in 1939 was awarded the silver medal of the first degree for painting historical genre and topic of the war of 1812 – 1814 years.

Timm visited Germany and Hungary in the pre lived in St. Petersburg.

In 1844, the artist travelled to Paris, where he studied with Horace Emile Jean Vernet. In 1845, with O. Vernet travelled to Algeria, where he painted many drawings and sketches on the theme of life of local residents. In 1848 he returned to St. Petersburg, and in 1849 visited the Caucasus.

Collected material natalkino him the idea to release "Russian gold leaf" edition, which aired from 1851 to 1862 three times a month and brought Timma downloads. It composes mainly of lithographed images on different relevant topics. He treated on its own and only occasionally attracted other artists.

In 1854, in the midst of the Crimean war, he visited Sevastopol and made it the sketches that went into the magazine and in 1855 for this work he received the knowledge of the Professor of battle painting of the St. Petersburg Academy of arts. At the end of 1862, the publication was stopped because he had poor vision.

In 1867 V. F. Timm moved to Berlin, where he worked as a ceramic artist and painter. In 1876 he began working in Parvomay manufactory Berlin and received the title of Professor of the Prussian Academy of arts.

He performed the orders of Russian high society. Working on illustrations books, Timm has contributed to the introduction and development of lithography in Russia. Summer artist often spent in Latvia, where he painted watercolors.

In the early 20th century, his widow Emilia Timm gave his inheritance of the Riga city Museum of art, where, in 1906, was organized a memorial exhibition. E. Timm also bequeathed to the city of Riga, interest on capital 20000 rubles, to create a scholarship Timm. In 1907 – 14 years scholarships were awarded to young artists of Riga to study abroad.

V. F. Timm shield Russian painter and graphic artist. He was engaged in battle, genre scenes, landscape painting, and became known mainly paintings, illustrations and lithographs on the themes of the daily life of citizens.


1) Russian artists XVIII – XX centuries. Ed. – comp. V. D. Solovyov – Dnepropetrovsk, 1996.

2) Russian artists: Encyclopedic dictionary – Saint Petersburg, 2000.

3) Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās. Atb. red. A. Vanaga – Rīga, 2000 – 3. sēj.

Georg Wilhelm (Vasily Fedorovich) Timm, son of the Riga burgomaster, often signing his works "John Timm", was born in the town of Sorgenfrei near Riga on 9 June 1820.

Having received his early education at Berkenbusch gymnasium, in 1835, he enrolled at the Academy of arts the Academy of fine arts, where he studied under Sauerweid. Two years later for the painting, depicting a group of lancers, was awarded the silver medal of the second degree. In 1839 he graduated from the Academy with the title of artist of the 14th class, and for success in battle painting was awarded a silver medal of the first degree.

For several years V. F. Timm lived in Paris, Algeria, the Caucasus, Sevastopol and Moscow. Stay in the Caucasus inspired his famous "Russian Art Piece", which he began publishing in 1851 on his return to St. Petersburg.

Took part in illustration of the many editions. Distinguished by fine observation and great energy, he tirelessly put in the album everything that attracted his attention - and household types, and all kinds of events, ranging from drunken peasant and small details of everyday life to portraits of prominent contemporaries, theatrical performances, celebrations, ceremonies, and holidays. The aim was, as he said himself in the Preface to the "Russian Art Sheet", "image just wonderful in Russia, just close to the Russian heart, just precious to Russian life, with the exception only of foreign, not related to Russia." His works - the most interesting and diverse picturesque chronicle of Russian social life of 40-ies-50-ies of the XIX century.

Timm was a born draughtsman, or as they are sometimes called in the 1840-ies - "Carondelet". Having given himself entirely to his vocation, he remained faithful to him until the end of life.

At the beginning of his artistic activities (1840-1844), he showed a propensity for satirical picture of everyday life and created a number of works, enabling him to take in the history of Russian cartooning honorable place. A critical analysis of the Timm is not the scourge of satire, listed on public ulcers, and not even the caustic mockery. It is soft, maybe too soft irony. Types Timm - flirting dandies and frantike 1840-ies, with exaggerated, rounded gestures, deceived husbands, carrying their shame with too cheerful insouciance, got an unfortunate red tape, funny Riga with huge binoculars, the subject is naive and careless onlookers. This is a simple, unsophisticated representation of reality, or, although a cartoon, but completely innocent properties.

Special collection of his cartoons do not exist. Timm was mainly an Illustrator, and his works are scattered modern editions.

Later in the period 1851-1862. entirely devoted to the publication of the "Russian Art Piece" nature of household chronicle or simple and unsophisticated genre, not asks any other than a conscientious and faithful transmission perceived by him of impressions without any critical analysis.

"Russian Art Piece" - a great publication. The drawings came out one sheet at a time, three times a month. The purpose of this publication, as Timm said, was "to convey all that can be captured by the pencil is wonderful as in the past, especially in the modern life of the Russian people, and, moreover, to convey in pictures the faithful, not vymyshlennye taken from nature - in short to be an artistic chronicle of Russia."

In 1862, in connection with the illness Timm suspended publication of the paper. In 1867 he went to Berlin and more to Russia did not return.

G.-V. Timm died in Berlin on 7 APR 1895.

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