Isidorovich Shanin

Russia • 1839−1911

Biografía e información

One of the first professional artists in Perm of the late nineteenth century. Student of the Academy of fine Arts from 1858 to 1867, In 1872 he received the diploma of the Imperial Academy of arts for the title of free artist and the right to hold the post of teacher of drawing in secondary schools. In 1872, Shanin was appointed teacher of drawing at the Perm male gymnasium.

Author of book illustrations, landscapes and portraits.

(1839, Perm. lips. - 15. 04. 1911, Perm), painter, teacher, founder of the first private school of drawing in the city of Perm. He studied painting in the city of Perm in A. U. Orlov, at the Academy of arts (fine arts), St. Petersburg (1858-1867), a study in 1866 he was awarded a silver medal of 2 dignity, graduated from the Academy X hudozhestv with the title of free artist of portrait painting and certificate for the position of teacher in a gymnasium (March 1872). In 1872-1911 he taught drawing at the gymnasium and educational institutions of Perm. In 1875, opened a "in a class of drawing and painting for those who want to learn the art" of this class of 5 people entered the Academy of fine Arts. In Aug. 1886 appealed to the Council of the Academy of Arts with the request to open in Perm the drawing school's own program "under the auspices of the Academy of Arts" and to provide the school "with drawings and sketches from the collection of the best works of students". The program Shanina was approved. The Academy has assisted in the acquisition of textbooks: geometric shapes, plaster casts of ornaments, antique sculptures. 18 Nov. 1888 the school was opened in the house I. I. Malyshkina on Trade (now Sovietskaya) street. The students of the school were residents of the city of Perm, some of them became famous artists: A. N. Zelenin, I. Turan, A. B. Kaplun. School lasted until 1910, and has played a positive role in the development of the artistic culture of the city. In addition to teaching Shanin fulfilled private commissions. He was a member of Perm. of the society of Amateurs of painting, sculpture and architecture, exhibited work at local exhibitions (1902, 1907). VII archaeological Congress in Yaroslavl (1887) illustrated by studies of A. A. Dmitriev, "Link boyar Mikhail Romanov in Cherdyn region, in 1601," and "Kirovskie antiquity". In 1909 Shanin was one of the founders of POLIVS. Artistic heritage Shanina is stored in Perm. state art gallery (PGHG) and Perm. the regional ethnographer. the Museum (IMIP). Portraits of teachers school M. A. Afanasiev, K. P. Bortnikova, a portrait of his daughter - M. A. saninas the landscape of the rivers Kama and Chusovoi. The case for arts education in the city of Perm, launched by Sananim, continued members of POLIUS, POSCH, his former students: A. N. Zelenin, A. V. Kaplun, I. Turan.

Lit.: The oldest educational institution Perm: the centenary of the Perm male gymnasium (1808 – 1908) / comp. A. Zverev. Perm: Electro-typography V. A. Cherdyntsev, 1908. 229 p.; E. A. S. N. The jubilee Handbook of the Academy of Arts. 1764-1914: 2 h H 2: List of Russian artists to the proceedings of jubilee. Ref. St. Petersburg, 1915. [4], VI, 454, [5] p.: Il., portr.; Serebrennikov N. N. The Urals in the visual arts. Perm, 1959. P. 151.; Egorova E. I. the building of the former gymnasium, where he worked and studied the great figures of culture // materials of the arch of monuments figures of history and culture. Perm oblast. M., 1978. Pp. 39-46.

(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", E. I. Egorova)

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