Georgievna Welzen

Russia • 1930−1968

Biografía e información

In Tambov have worked since 1960. The participant of Republican and all-Union exhibitions.

Born in the town of Katta-Kurgan in Samarkand region.

Dreamed since childhood to master the skill of the artist, she goes to study at the Tashkent art College, at the same time attending high school.

The first mentor of the young artist was a teacher of Jan Kazimirovich the Kuchis, a follower of the prominent sculptor A. T. Matveev. T. Velten was one of the most capable students of the Kuchis.

Serious training enabled novice sculptor even before the completion of study at the school, after the third year to enter the Leningrad Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named I. E. Repin. After graduating from the Institute T. Velten together with the sculptor Sergey Lebedev went to work first to Saratov and then in 1960 moved to Tambov. Arriving In Tambov, Tatiana Velzen with the whole temperament of his character is included in the local branch of the Union of artists. Continues still with great enthusiasm to work on the chosen theme of a young contemporary.

She enthusiastically engaged in pottery. The author attracts children's themes, Velzen creates a series of sketches from life in clay and gypsum, which pose of her children - Natasha and Irina.

Many works of the sculptor, executed in ceramics, characterized by soft beauty and decorative beauty.

Works by T. Velten, can be seen in the exposition of the picture gallery and in other museums of the country: in the Saratov state art Museum named after A. N. Radishchev, Ivanovo art Museum, the Kursk art gallery.