Ivanovich Reimers

Russia • 1818−1868

Biografía e información

Already engaging in medallic art, he received in 1824 the pupils of the Imperial Academy of fine Arts and continued to explore in her art under Professor P. Utkin . Having two small silver medals in 1835 and 1837, and most the same medal in 1838, then in the following year was awarded a small gold medal for a bas-relief of "Samson tearing the lion's mouth", but then, for family reasons, was released from the Academy with the title of artist XIV class. After that, in 1846, is recognized as assigned to academics on the part of the sculpture. Going in 1851, on his own account, in foreign lands, surrendered up there painting. Sent from Munich the picture "Lottery ticket", "View in the vicinity of Munich" and in particular "Showbase in the Munich court brewery" built in 1855 in the title of academician. On his return to St. Petersburg in 1862 for written in Italian painting "the grape Harvest", recognized by Professor. In 1863 was held in the Academy of Arts vacancy full-time Professor of medal art. Of the medallic works of Reimers, the most remarkable medal, embossed on the occasion of the centennial anniversary of the Academy of sculptural works - table plateau, fashioned for the crown Prince Nikolai Alexandrovich , paintings, beyond the aforementioned: "the Funeral of a young girl in Italy" (1863, Museum of Emperor Alexander III ), "Holiday in Rome" (1860), "mother's Grief" (1861) and "Communion" (1861). Beautiful picture, dramatic compositions, richness of the brush and strong, although sinning some black eye shadow color, make the dignity of painting works of Reimers, who was successfully engaged in watercolor.

Gifted and energetic Ivan Reimers was the son of a furniture craftsman from Hamburg, who settled in Petersburg and took Russian citizenship. Who had a great ability to fine business, young Ivan Reimers enrolled in 1834 at the Academy of fine arts for the study and development of medal art and sculpture. In a selected species he achieves rapid success, having received years of education a silver medal for carving in stone, small and large silver medal for sculpting in wax and clay. In 1839 J. Reimers is a small gold medal for sculpted wax group "Samson tearing the lion's mouth." The constrained financial situation does not allow him to participate in a prospective contest for a gold medal, so in 1840 he finished his studies at the Academy in the rank of class artist receiving concomitant rank swords. In subsequent years, I. I. Reimers a lot of work. Among other, he along with D. I. St. Petersburg founded in St. Petersburg factory for the manufacture of products made of terracotta. For a number of works in 1846 was recognized as "designated" in academics medal art. In 1850-ies abroad, Reimers started painting. The success of Ivan Ivanovich in the new form of art was evident. In 1855, for the painting "view of the suburbs of Munich", "the Lottery ticket won", "the Folksy showbase in the Munich brewery" he had received from St. Petersburg Academy of arts the title of academician in 1865 — became a Professor for painting written in Italian painting "the grape Harvest". From 1863 until the end of life I. I. Reimers held at the Academy as Professor of medal art. Paintings of the artist had success at exhibitions in Russia and abroad and purchased by famous collector of painting, among whom were members of the Imperial house. The centenary of the Imperial Academy of arts I. I. Reimers produced a highly acclaimed commemorative medal.

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