Frantsevich Dzechtsevich

Ukraine • 1841−1892

Biografía e información

1863 – an auditor student at the Academy of fine arts; 1864 – student. Received medals: in 1868 – 2 silver, in 1871 – honorable mention and silver in the same year the title of class artist of 3 degrees. In 1873 the title of class artist of 2nd degree for the project "stock Exchange"; in 1882, the title of academician.


1st Professor of architecture in Zab. The peasants of Kiev province. Graduated science at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1871) with the title of class artist of the architecture of the 3-th degree and the right to the rank of 12th class. Subsequently executed the projects for the title of class artist of 2 nd (1873), 1-th degree (1877) and academician (1881). 4.11.1882 elected by the Board of the Academy of Arts in academics. In Chita arrived 21.3.1890 for the post. architect. Sent to select a site for the construction of Spasskaya Church in St-TSU Kulichenko, where he died suddenly.

(Kradin N. N.)

Ist.: RGIA, f. 789, op. 4., D. 92; GACHO, f. 1(O), d. 3687.

Lit.: Kondakov, S. V., List of Russian artists. The anniversary directory of the Imperial Academy of Arts: Part 2. Bibliography. — SPb., 1914.

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