Olegovich Evsa

Russia • nació en 1962

Biografía e información

Born in 1962 in Krasnodar, Russia. He graduated from the art faculty of the Kuban state University in 1985. Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1997.

Types of art: painting, monumental art (Roman mosaic, smalt).

Picturesque works are in private collections in Russia, Germany, Italy, Greece, France, Spain, USA, Norway and other countries. Mosaic panels decorated the monasteries and churches of Russia.

Painting technique is based on the school the old masters Flanders and Holland, especially of Pieter Bruegel the elder. Brushwork – realism and romantic realism.


1991, 1992 exhibitions of modern artists, Moscow.

1993 Regional exhibition, Krasnodar Central exhibition hall.

1993 City exhibition, St. Petersburg, Central exhibition hall.

1994 City exhibition "Autumn 94", St. Petersburg, Central exhibition hall.

1994 Exhibition "50 Moscow artists", Moscow, Central house of artists.

1994 Regional exhibition, Krasnodar Central exhibition hall.

1994 Exhibition of Russian artists in El-Bhutan Palace, Oman.

1995 Exhibition of contemporary art, Washington, DC, USA.

1995 Regional exhibition, Krasnodar Central exhibition hall.

1995 City exhibition, St. Petersburg, Central exhibition hall.

1996 Personal exhibition, Krasnodar, the Municipal organ hall.

1996 City exhibition, St. Petersburg, Central exhibition hall.

1997 Regional competition of artists of Kuban.

1998 Personal exhibition, Krasnodar, the Central exhibition hall.

1999 all-Russia exhibition of contemporary artists, Moscow, Central house of artists.

1999 autumn exhibition of the South of Russia, Krasnodar city, Central exhibition hall.

2000 Personal exhibition, Krasnodar, the Central exhibition hall.

2001 City exhibition, St. Petersburg, Central exhibition hall.

2001-Regional exhibition, Krasnodar Central exhibition hall.

2002 Regional competition of artists of Kuban.

2003 regional exhibition of the South of Russia, Krasnodar city, Central exhibition hall.

2003 - "Biennale-2003", St. Petersburg, Central exhibition hall.

2004 international festival of contemporary art in Greece.

2005 Exhibition "the Art of Kuban", St. Petersburg, Manege.

2005 "Biennale-2005", St. Petersburg, Central exhibition hall.

2006 City exhibition, St. Petersburg, Central exhibition hall.

2007 international festival of contemporary art in Greece

2007 Exhibition "Days of Russian culture in Norway", Bergen.

2007 "Biennale 2007", St. Petersburg, Central exhibition hall.

  • Estudios