
Biografía e información

Peter Blake (b. 1932., Dartford) is a British artist, one of the pioneers of English pop art, a recognized master of modern art.

Features the work of Peter Blakewe created collages, which used postcards, clippings from Newspapers and magazines, portraits of celebrities. Became famous as a book Illustrator and graphic designer who created the cover for one of the most famous records "the Beatles".

Famous paintings of Peter Blake"Children reading comics", "Slice of art", "I've got a friend", "Self portrait with magazine", "Meeting "Spice girls" and Elvis", etc.

Paintings Of Peter Blake

The mid-twentieth century was extremely rich in events in the visual arts. At this time, on both sides of the Atlantic worked the original and original artist, whose legacy today decided to unite in one direction. Pop art British Peter Blake, in tune with the works of Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Keith Haring and other weirdos who have managed to create high art, using the techniques and images of mass culture.

Today Peter Blake, among the first English artists who created the paintings in pop art style. He came from a respectable British family and received a good technical education, after which he continued his studies at the art school and the Royal College of art. The first work of the artist Peter Blake, which brought him fame, was made in an unusual manner. On the old cracked wooden shields, he created a series of paintings depicting the children ("Children reading comics").

The next step in his work was a fascination with the technique of collage. The course is the most diverse material – postcards, pictures from popular magazines and Newspapers, ads, colored paper, sequins, etc. In contrast with the works of famous contemporaries, was fond of collages, paintings, Peter Blake, there is a traditional story and a masterfully constructed composition. The artist quite quickly came the recognition of the public, and in 1960 he held his first solo exhibition, which recognized his success.

At the Zenith of fame

One of the most famous works of the artist Peter Blake, which brought him worldwide fame, was the cover plate of the legendary group the Beatles "lonely hearts Club Sergeant pepper". Thanks to the fantastic commercial success of this album, collage Blake sold millions of copies worldwide, making him an overnight world celebrity. Curious is the fact that, under the contract, Blake got the cover for just £ 200. In this work the master has set such a high bar in the decorative arts that for many years musicians were paid to the design of the plates no less attention than the actual music.

The resounding success of the Beatles brought fame to the paintings of Peter Blake, as well as the attention to his talent by many stars of show business. Subsequently, the master repeatedly engaged in the design of the covers of records, creation of posters, and even comic books. For his work he was able to prove that even these phenomena of mass culture can become true works of high art.

In the seventies Blake creates many works based on mythological themes, uses imagery from traditional folklore and fairy tales. In addition, he devotes himself to teaching, but it also creates a series of rural landscapes in unusual painter informed the traditional manner. The artist Peter Blake does not forget about his talent of the decorator, brought him worldwide fame. He creates some of the best illustrations of the famous "Alice in Wonderland", once again demonstrating his exceptional talent.

Official recognition of his great contribution to the development of art can be considered the election of Blake full member-academician of the Royal Academy. Today, he continues to create in various genres, from traditional painting to design books and other printed products. Names of paintings by Peter Blake, is the story of modern art in all its diversity: "Bebe rainbow," "Tarzan, Jane, Boy and Cheetah", "Meeting "Spice girls" and Elvis", "Playing chess with Tracey", "comedian with the ball", etc.
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