Vladimirovich Prikhodko

Russia • nació en 1957

Born June 15, 1957 in the city of Novokuznetsk, in the Kemerovo region. Painter. About Igor Prikhodko can say one thing: this man is not like anyone else. He is not a professional artist, but not Amateur. He studied in the Studio Novokuznetsk artist Aleksandra Vasilyevna Cold and individually studied with the famous Krasnoyarsk artist Vladlena Kharlamov. Kharlamov was the head of the Department of easel painting of the Krasnoyarsk art Institute, which Prikhodko did not accept because of the two on paper. However, Igor worked for a year at the Institute as a model and attend all required courses.

But his main teacher Igor Prikhodko said Leonardo da Vinci. This is his first and lasting love in painting, the main authority and role model. In Leonardo Igor fell in love in childhood. One day he came across a postage stamp with the image of the “Madonna Benois” by Leonardo da Vinci. The image seemed to Igor so beautiful that he decided to repeat it. Father brought him a piece of glass (for some reason Igor asked glass) and Prikhodko tried to repeat the image of the Madonna. The faces of the Madonna and Christ child, a young painter hopelessly ruined, but the dress came out, in his opinion, perfectly, so, chopped glass portrait, following Igor undertook to write on a piece of plywood. Wrote huge “Gypsy” needle.

Spent more than two years, but was pleased with the result. Father, he was chief of motor transport Department at one of the plants, meticulously followed his work, and then brought the tour to Leningrad: “Go, walk to the Hermitage, look at the original”. The Hermitage Igor went to work. Surprisingly, but the real “Benois Madonna” he didn't like, but won “Madonna Litta”. From Leningrad Igor came back feeling in himself a real artist.

Authority for Igor Prikhodko and if there are, it is not an immutable Canon, but as role models and development. That is development, this is the whole Prikhodko. It takes some work of Leonardo, Raphael, Giotto or other great artists of the Renaissance, copies... but the result is something that is not Raphael or cotovscoe and Rafaello-periodicheskoe or gottovo-periodicheskoe. Like Igor Prikhodko carries all of the famous paintings in our twentieth century, the soil, our passions and experiences.

Not all of these experiments were successful, were never welcome, especially professional artists, but always gave some kind of a result desired by the Igor. We met with Igor in this period. We (his friends) told him: “Igor, why you gotta ruin the classics?” And he would say, very friendly with a smile: “Well, it's nothing.” And begin to write something new: Leonardo-periodicheskoe.

Then, suddenly leaving the Revival, Igor plunged into a spiritual quest. He lined with books about the ancient spiritual teachings, symbols and rituals. The result was a series of works “Arcana Tarot” and a book with mystical stories and magic spells. At one of the exhibitions (Igor then walked in Hoholivka), where he showed the “Arcana” with their texts, Professor of philosophy, SibGIU passionately tortured him: where he studied philosophy?

Also then when he became interested in ancient Russian icons, and he wrote icons, he was tortured, where he learned this. And all he answered: reading books, watching reproduction. And, we note, was penetrated, as a few other, original meaning of the studied works.

At first this program seemed scattered, but Igor explained, and then we noticed it yourself: he's trying to merge two great stream of art - paintings of the Renaissance and old Russian iconography - one primary river that fills the human heart.

According to Igor Prikhodko, above these two vertices not in painting nothing worthy, and their synthesis will give what man seeks forever: a celebration of Beauty and Harmony. The exhibition “gates of Eden” is his desire to be seen very clearly in such works as “the adoration of the Magi” by Leonardo da Vinci and “Spring” by Botticelli.

There is again transformed the Russian icon “Strasti judgment” (“judgment”, really, but to Prikhodko, this court more passionate leading to the summits of the spirit). Let the viewer pay attention here on the side of the picture-icons. On the usual icons here written of stigma - related main image of a scene from life. At Prikhodko, instead of the marks of spiritual writing and prayers that serve as a support in the way of the wanderer-the God seeker. These records - the innermost part of the works Prikhodko, was written for himself and others like him, seeks Supreme Harmony.

And at the exhibition there are models of two churches: the mother of the World and “Cover of Cover” dedicated to the great feminine, the main universe, according to Igor Prikhodko.

So “Eden's gate” opened. Artist Igor Prikhodko, many years coming to them under the shadow of Revival of ancient Russian icon painting reached the coveted threshold. Step over whether he will heavenly peace and bliss? Not at all. Igor Prikhodko, now has other plans. When he reached the gates of Paradise, he makes a turn back to the ground: now he writes of working with the types of historical and memorable places of Novokuznetsk. Preparing a gift to the city. Paradise is boring. Real life here on earth. And Igor Prikhodko whole already in it.

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