Ivanovich Fomin

Russia • 1904−1989

Biografía e información

Training in WAH was held at the faculty of architecture.

Nar. architect Of the USSR (1971), corresponding member Q. AH THE USSR (1979). Son Of I. A. Fomin. Graduated from the Leningrad. LUTEIN (1926). In 1935-50 taught at LISI, 1946 Professor. Since 1950 Professor of the Repin Institute of arts in. In 1926-31 he worked at the Institute lenproekt, 1951-70 Deputy of the head of the architect of Leningrad, 1968 hands. archit. the workshop of "Lenproject Institute". Projects in Leningrad (et al.) - building of Moscow (1935) and Nevsky (1940) district councils, development of residential area Shemilovka (1937-48), metro station "Ploschad Vosstaniya" (1955), a complex of buildings lying in Petrodvorets (1969), etc.