Nikolayevich Chaplitz

Russia • 1874−1955

Biografía e información

(18(31).05.1874, the city of Romny, Poltava province. – 1955, Ufa, Bashkortostan), architect-Builder, honored. worker of arts of Bashkortostan, corresponding member. THE SA OF THE USSR. B. in the family of a nobleman. In 1893 he graduated real Uch-school in Rivne in Volyn province., in 1899 in MT CET. engineers in St. Petersburg. From 10 June 1899 he performed the duties of engineer and architect on the construction and design of academic buildings of Orenburg educational district. After a year H. have begun to REC-tion and expansion of the school of artisan. students in Miass (1900). In 1904 advised the project rivers-tion, then carried out a rivers-tion of female and male high schools in Troitsk. In 1905 began the construction of the Person. real school and graduated in 1907. In 1906 on the project Part-built residential home for ADM.-PED. the staff of Uch-conductive. In 1909 undertook the design and construction of mountains. colleges at Simsk and masscom z-Dah in St-TSE uyskiy Verhneural. County (1911). In 1913 he designed and built Verhneural. real Uch-school. His final object was dvuhkomnatnaya elementary school in the Petrovskoye village (1917). In the late. H 1918 he headed the Department of state movements of the assets the establish. Coll. in Ufa. Transferred assets Sov. power. Was subjected to repression and from March 25, 1919 to 3 Jan. 1920 was kept in prison: Ufa, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, and Alexander center. convict. The last years of his life he worked early. archit. sector Malpractice.

(author: V. S. Kolpakov)

Lit.: The materials of the Arch of monuments of history and culture of the RSFSR. Chelyabinsk oblast: Sat. scientific. Tr. / Comp. HP, Rafeenko. M., 1986.

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