Alexandrovich Nail

Russia • nació en 1978

Born August 5, 1978 in the city of Kalininsk. Studied at high school No. 2, and finished it in 1995. also successfully graduated from art school and took courses in wood carving. With six years worked in the folk dance ensemble "rainbow" under the direction of the Nail Olga Lavrentieva. The father of Alexander, to the Nail Alexander, is the head of a brass band.

In 1995. Alexander arrives in the Saratov art College named. AP Bogolyubov on the separation of "Design" and finishes it off in 1999. The leading teachers were Shkunova V. A. and Shkurov A. N., which not only gave the basics of skill, but was, in fact, the other parent during the training, brought in Alexander a love of fine art. After graduating from College, Alexander the Nail goes in the city of Kalininsk and started her career in the district Palace of culture as a teacher of the art Studio and the head of the circle of wood carving. Since 2000. works in Saratov art school. A. P. Bogolyubov, a teacher of special disciplines. He actively participates in city, regional and all-Russian exhibitions. In 2007. comes in all-Russian creative public organization "Union of artists of Russia" and in the same year, finishes the creative workshop of painting of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of arts under the guidance of a member of the Russian Academy of arts A. V. Uchaeva. Alexander Nail a lot of creative works mainly in the genre of landscape and still life.

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