The Infinite of 12, Unconditional Love

Alina Palamarciuc • Pintura, 2015, 100×3×100 cm
Acerca de la obra
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Forma del arte: Pintura
Estilo: El modernismo
Materiales: El lienzo
Fecha de creación: 2015
Tamaño: 100×3×100 cm
Región: Portugal
Propietario: Alina Palamarciuc

Descripción del cuadro «The Infinite of 12, Unconditional Love»

The Serie "Infinite of 12" inspired by the complexity of the iconic and mystical rituals in which we emerged and absorbed by Sacred Geometry and whispers of the universe, emerges as the previous series "The cult of the 7". The theme It comes as a new approach and a deepening all levels: spiritual, mental, psíquica, mystical, numerological, social, físico, cultural, etc.