North village

Sergey Arsenievich Vinogradov • Pintura, 1902, 63×86 cm
Acerca de la obra
Forma del arte: Pintura
Tópico y objetos:
Técnica: El aceite
Materiales: El lienzo
Fecha de creación: 1902
Tamaño: 63×86 cm
Obra en las selecciones: 26 selections

Descripción del cuadro «North village»

"Northern village" one of the most famous impressionist artist Sergei Vinogradov. Together with ten other works of the author it was presented in Moscow the second exhibition of 36 artists in December 1902. And ten years later, when the artist was awarded the title of academician, "North village" was named among the best of his works.

This painting Vinogradov brought back from the big trip around the North of Russia (Rybinsk, Arkhangelsk, Solovetsky Islands), which he, along with the artist Basil Perepletchikova took in the beginning of the century.

The painting depicts the village of Nizhniy Tagil, on the left Bank of the river Sukhona, where friends stayed on the way to the White sea. The memories that Vinogradov in the 1930-ies were published in Riga newspaper "Today", he wrote: "The people were nice, the pre-Petrine way of life, exactly in the Ancient Rus. Shirts, ports, tunics — all white homespun. Women have a headdress, coats from brocade and silk dresses... was Very entertaining young man shepherd. White-haired, in all its pure, white, birch bark tube, deftly played it. Well, just from the snow Maiden LEL".

Before us is a miserly Northern landscape. Hidden behind the clouds the sun lights time-blackened wooden houses, covered with green grass yard, a pile of firewood and a frail blond boy, huddled against the house.

Working consciously written against the light, on the principle of theatrical scenery. The backlight of the bulges of massive buildings in the background are structural elements of the composition, limiting the depth of the space of the canvas.

Looking at the color scheme works Vinogradova, it is impossible not to recall the picture Konstantin Korovin who opened to Russian artists. With the filing of Korovin in the environment of Moscow painters of the early 1900 years there was a fashion for noble gray pearl and ash hues, characteristic of the nature of these latitudes. Vinogradov believed his friend Korovin first colorist Russia and admired his work, brought back from a trip to the North (1, 2, 3, 4).

For transmission of the sky on your landscape the artist has used a rich range of white and purple-blue tones. He was able to emphasize the transience, the ephemeral nature of the Northern summer, with its dim sun, which does not even have time to dry the grass. Amid the harsh landscape of the boy, whose face barely outlined, it seems very lonely. Figure a timid child increases the tone of sadness that permeated the whole picture.

"North village" is written after the first trip, Vinogradova in Paris and his acquaintance with the works of the French Impressionists. Here clearly shows the transition of the artist to the Russian impressionism, which is characterized by large (compared to French impressionism) "the thingness" of painting, the richness of the image and transfer the internal state of the author. Following the changing style and themes of paintings Vinogradova: after a trip to the North landscapes displace the genre of the work, occupying a Central place in his work.

Author: Larissa Kuzara