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Técnica: El aceite
Materiales: El lienzo
Fecha de creación: 2021
Tamaño: 55×40 cm

Descripción del cuadro «The wall.»

To the painting "The Wall". 15.09.2021 Made a drawing in pencil H on the canvas 40x55. 16.09.2021 Made an underpainting with silver paint of the pipe. 17.09.2021 Made clouds and sky using 3 chicken feathers, translucent paint, retouching varnish, solvent, having defined the hidden centre.
18.09.2021 Using a squirrel brush, hiding, translucent and transparent paints, made the first coat of wall. More solvent and a little touch-up varnish. 19.09.2021 Using a squirrel brush, translucent paint and solvent coated the window. Using a feather pen and translucent paint added down a cloud. Using a sponge, added green at the bottom of the wall. Painted the boat, with parallel strokes of the pen going over the water. More retouching varnish, less solvent. Brushed squirrel brush with horizontal strokes adding darkness to water and half-light painting wood by boat. More solvent, less retouching varnish. 20.09.2021 Putting a jar of water. Brushed with squirrel brush, more solvent, less retouch lacquer has added more light in wood, with thin layer of semi-transparent paint has finished drawing water. On this I think to finish the painting "The Wall". Canaletism style. About conditions of purchase inform here on this e-mail:

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