Idleness is the devil's plaything

Надежда Солодухина • Pintura, Noviembre 2022, 4×0.4×4 cm
Acerca de la obra
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Forma del arte: Pintura
Tópico y objetos:
Técnica: El aceite
Materiales: El lienzo, Cartón
Fecha de creación: Noviembre 2022
Tamaño: 4×0.4×4 cm

Descripción del cuadro «Idleness is the devil's plaything»

Idleness is the scourge of modern society. It kills people, makes them stupider and drives them mad. This painting vividly portrays the author's emotions of pain and suffering. The forced idleness due to depression and how it affects a person. A very unusual piece of art, it attracts attention, arouses emotions.