Descripción del cuadro «Lee»
Giger got acquainted with Lee Tobler in 1966, when he was 26, and she was barely 18. They were just friends for a while, but this friendship quickly grew into a novel that lasted a long nine years. Lee became the main muse of Giger: in the faces of most women with his paintings you can see her features.
These two were a very strange couple. Cheerful, open, gushing with energy Lee and the gloomy, unsociable Hans Rudy, seemed to have nothing in common, but for some reason held on to each other. At first both were on the rocks: Tobler was just starting her acting career, and Giger was published in clandestine samizdat magazines. They lived with friends and wandered to homes condemned to demolition. Later, the artist received a small inheritance from his uncle and was able to buy a house for himself and his lover.
The black band began in 1974, when Lee suffered a severe depression. The arrow of the weights seemed to have swung to the other side: now Lee became sullen and shunned people, and Hans Rudy came the most productive period. He constantly worked and produced collections of illustrations one by one.
Lee Tobler passed away on May 19, 1975, cutting off a protracted depression with a shot in the head. Gigera tried to blame for bringing to suicide: say, his eerie pictures became the cause of Li's mental disorder. Not finding a place after the death of his beloved woman, Giger went head to head with his head. He painted a portrait of Lee with his head torn off, habitually transforming his own horrors into pictures. And then I took up the "Necronomicon".
As for Lee's first portrait, written by Guiger during her lifetime, he caused a serious quarrel between the artist and his muse. "You made me ugly!" "Li protested and tried to destroy the picture, breaking the frame and cutting the canvas. Giger, however, managed to restore the picture, and she eventually became one of his most famous works.
Author: Evgenia Sidelnikova