
Henri Matisse • Pintura, 1910, 260×389 cm
Acerca de la obra
Forma del arte: Pintura
Tópico y objetos:
Estilo: Фовизм
Técnica: El aceite
Materiales: El lienzo
Fecha de creación: 1910
Tamaño: 260×389 cm
Contenido 18+
Obra en las selecciones: 93 selections

Descripción del cuadro «Music»

Matisse, Henri Emile Benoit, a well – known painter, graphic artist, sculptor a native of France. Master has a rather unusual style – his favorite technique was the transmission of sensations with saturated colors and flat picture. All the artist are very deep in color, his work was quite a furore at the shows. Curiously, the interest in scenic art awakened him rather late – at the age of 20. And this impulse, which captured the artist, and remained with him until the end of days.

The famous picture of Matisse "Dance" and "Music" at the exhibition of the salon d'automne in Paris (1910-th year) became a scandalous sensation due to the fact that the paintings are quite realistic drawing of a naked people. "Music" (260*389 cm) artist Henri Matisse painted in oil on canvas. Today work is kept in the Hermitage.

Description of the painting "Music" by Henri Matisse

The canvas depicts five men of indeterminate age, and the whole work resembles a picture of the child. One of the characters plays the violin, the second, sitting next, – the flute, the other three are located on the side of them. Heaven on the canvas of deep blue, the grass was bright green, people red. The solution familiar to the artist: thanks to the large contrast in size of areas of pure color emerging new "notes" that replace the color scheme. Tones become a direct plot of the whole picture.

To achieve harmony of color is a key job that's a "Music" By Henri Matisseno description of a picture are not able to convey the chosen colors. Luscious crimson hue is perfectly balanced there are blue and green. The figures are outlined with a dark outline, which fills the paint. First, the wizard complied with the silhouettes of male genitalia, but in the end hid them, apparently, according to the wishes of the customer.

Violinist at "Music", Henri Matisse resembles a monument. His pose is very accurate in their detail, to achieve the purpose of the painter was not very difficult, because he also played on this musical instrument.
This picture (and its pair "Dance") was commissioned by the artist to the collector of Russia S. I. Shchukin in 1909 He asked the artist to show in the allegory of dance and music. The master aims to bring these images to simple shapes. However, in its dynamics, these paired pictures and differ. The characters "Dance" like you're trying to break out of the pattern, and the "Music" artist Henri Matisse, all, on the contrary, look extremely static. The composition is quiet, perfectly balanced.

In place of the men here are depicted as if their "emblems", which in turn shapes the kind of twins. This creates the integrity of the leaf, not divided into separate subjects. Three people on the right side sitting, kneeling, and this makes them somewhat similar to the characters in the musical series. If you look at the picture from this point of view, the silhouette of a musician with a violin acts as the musical key. This is only a hypothesis – the author of this picture to decode is not configured.