"Between Two Roads."

Andrei Viktorovich Maximov • Pintura, 150×180 cm
$10 000
Acerca de la obra
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Forma del arte: Pintura
Tópico y objetos:
Técnica: El aceite
Materiales: El lienzo
Tamaño: 150×180 cm
Región: Russia
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Descripción del cuadro «"Between Two Roads."»

This work was created for quite a long time. Almost a year the artist worked on its creation. The idea of the painting is simple, but the process of its realization is a duty. What was processed in the head for a long time, as a concept, is gradually formalized into an artistic image. But the image is not concrete, but a synthesis of abstract elements that were developed and formalized in the head, not with the help of computer technology. All the work is done by hand.

The two roads are a landmark. The viewer and the artist himself are at a crossroads. It is a point of choice. One can take one road or the other. Or you can go between them. How to make a choice when both roads are almost indistinguishable and it is not clear where they will lead. It is difficult to make the right decision.
It is possible to be a pioneer and walk between two roads in a different way. There is no unambiguity in this work, so it contains not only ambiguity but also multiple meanings.
The artist has conveyed an inner psychological state. What in realistic painting would be shown concretely and unambiguously, here is an abstract reality. Through the abstract forms and color scale comes the poetic image of choosing one's path. The color scheme is dictated by the natural summer environment. To see the subtle gradations of warm and cold tones is to create a spatial structure in the mind. There is no horizon in this painting. The roads go into the distance, merging with it.