Wtretwу / Sentimental action - {$M}

Leni Smoragdova • Fotografía, , 112×150×5 cm
Acerca de la obra
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Forma del arte: Fotografía
Tópico y objetos: , Urban landscape
Técnica: Foto
Materiales: Digital
Fecha de creación:
Tamaño: 112×150×5 cm
Propietario: Leni Smoragdova

Descripción de la obra «Wtretwу / Sentimental action - {$M}»

In memory of Mathilda.

This June 2022, I completed the systematization of all the artworks of the world of transastion art in eleven years. Many art objects are lost forever, only photographs remain in memory of them. For example, ceramic figurines with animals.
Like a child, I opened the magic box of archives. As a result - more than a thousand photos that were taken in various parts of the world, and which I forgot about. Having such treasures, it remains to invert them into one of the facets of the Transaction Art world, and show you.

This is "Sentimental action" from 2010 till 2022. A series of works.

Transaction Art | Hidden face | {$M}
Other artworks by this artist
Sufl / Figures collection: home version - {$M}
Sufl / Figures collection: home version - {$M}
XXI siglo, 110×100×5 cm
Еdу / Sentimental action - {$M}
Еdу / Sentimental action - {$M}
Julio 2022, 114×150×5 cm
4аrih / Transaction Heroes - {$M}
4аrih / Transaction Heroes - {$M}
2022, 29×41×1 cm
Е1у / Sentimental action - {$M}
Е1у / Sentimental action - {$M}
2022, 133×150×5 cm
Colección de formas: versión lite {$ M}
Colección de formas: versión lite {$ M}
2000-e , 150×105×5 cm
Eerewwr / Sentimental action - {$M}
Eerewwr / Sentimental action - {$M}
20.07.2022, 112×150×5 cm
4da2еу / Sentimental action - {$M}
4da2еу / Sentimental action - {$M}
19.07.2022, 150×112×5 cm
.еуssdf / Sentimental action - {$M}
.еуssdf / Sentimental action - {$M}
20.07.2022, 150×112×5 cm
Colección de figuras: versión HB
Colección de figuras: versión HB
10.11.2020, 100×150×5 cm
0993u2o / The body in pieces finds its unity in the image of the other: Let's play the Gods
0993u2o / The body in pieces finds its unity in the image of the other: Let's play the Gods
XXI siglo, 75×110×1 cm
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