The Bashkir State Art Museum named after MV Nesterov and the Neftekamsk Art Gallery MIRAS hold an exhibition
“Gustav Klimt. Golden kiss ".
The exposition, dedicated to the Art Nouveau style in painting, combines the work of three famous modernist artists, each of whom is great in his work: Gustav Klimt, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Alphonse Mucha. Visitors will be able to see more than 70 reproductions of paintings in the technique of giclee, posters and drawings of artists, equipped with a description of the plots and the history of each painting.
The Giclee technique, which presents works at the exhibition, allows you to completely recreate immortal masterpieces on natural canvas, to reproduce all the nuances of color and chiaroscuro, to convey the character and texture of the brushstroke. Even such unique features as craquelures or hairs that have fallen from the brush are preserved.
Gustav Klimt- Austrian painter, graphic artist and decorator, whose name is immediately associated with the Art Nouveau style. “Kiss” is the most famous and very characteristic painting of the artist, which also gave the name to the exhibition.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec- the most famous master Art Nouveau (modern name) in France. The posters of Henri de Toulouse Lautrec did an excellent job of what they were intended - they advertised the gloss of the Parisian half-light, alcohol, vice and cancan, which brought fame to the author.
Alphonse Mucha, which during his lifetime was called a brilliant artist, would now be called also a brilliant designer.