Jacob Gasteiger. Post-radical painting

Exhibition April 23 − August 22, 2021
Albertina Gallery invites you to visit the exhibition “Jacob Gasteiger. Post-radical painting ".

The exposition presents the work of Jacob Gasteiger of all the previous creative periods of the master.

The Austrian's works are characterized by a special understanding of the process of drawing and painting: it is not about presenting what is seen or clearly perceived. Elementary design language prevails. The viewer's attention is drawn to the color, the structure of the lines and the resulting transitions between rooms. His paintings do not tell stories, they do not relate to anything but themselves - they are united only by pure egocentrism. This minimalism, this tendency to shrink without concrete illustration, raises many questions. And yet there is a special harmony between the sizes. This high level of aesthetic competence has made Jacob Gasteiger one of the most important representatives of contemporary art of international importance for decades.

Based on site materials Galleries Albertina.