Diffusion Project. Emma Andievskaya

Mostra 10 settembre − 10 novembre 2021
Exhibition opened at the Odessa Museum of Modern Art Works by Emma Andievskaya, prominent Ukrainian artist and writer.

The works presented in the exhibition belong to the collection of the Korsakov Museum in Lutsk and are being transported around Ukraine as part of the "Diffusion" project. The viewers will see unique paintings with augmented reality.

Emma Andievskaya has created her own world of poetic and artistic images in a special individual manner. She is the author of over forty Ukrainian-language poetry and prose books, who was forbidden to speak Ukrainian as a child. Her paintings are in museum and private collections all over the world. Philosophical, spiritual and mystical themes are the main themes in the work of Andievskaya. The artist underlines her individuality, characterizing herself as a visionary and saying that her paintings are seen as a whole and all she has to do is to paint them on canvas. Emma Andievskaya is one of the most important representatives of modernism in Ukrainian art of the second half of XX century.

Prepared according to the materials of the portal Culture meter.

Galleries at the exhibition