Regional youth exhibition

Exposición 11 − 30 de mayo 1994
In just four or five years, most of the young artists represented in the exhibition will have a significant impact on the artistic situation in Primorye. It is difficult to predict anything concrete in such a strongly changing field, which is artistic creation, and which is highly dependent on social factors and public consciousness.
But there is no doubt that nostalgic moods for the culture of the 60s are already noticeable. This is manifested partly in the stylistics of some works, partly in the choice of subjects of paintings. Household, genre works occupy not the last place in the exhibition of young people. As always, landscape is the leader, but a portrait, realistic or conventional, can also attract the attention of viewers.
I think the exhibition will give reason to think about the contemporary art of young seaside artists and give new names that will be remembered.

Marina Kulikova, art historian