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Digital copy: 4.0 MB 2613 × 3825 px • JPEG 22.1 × 31 cm • 300 dpi 44.2 × 64.8 cm • 150 dpi 22.1 × 32.4 cm • 300 dpi
Digital copy is a high resolution file, downloaded by the artist or artist's representative. The price also includes the right for a single reproduction of the artwork in digital or printed form.
Dürer's drawing of the dead Jesus with his head tilted back is considered by some to be a self-portrait. It is said that in the "age of Christ" or so Dürer became very ill and was at death's door. For several days he was shaking with fever, Dürer lay exhausted, with dry lips and sunken eyes. At that moment everyone thought that the devout artist would send for a priest. But he demanded to see a small mirror, put it on his chest and, barely finding the strength to lift his head, for a long time he stared at his reflection. When Dürer recovered, he used what he saw to make this drawing.