Galenika girls in the bath

Anders Zorn • Pittura, 1906, 86×53 cm
Digital copy: 1.2 MB
951 × 1600 px • JPEG
30.8 × 50 cm • 78 dpi
16.1 × 27.1 cm • 150 dpi
8.1 × 13.5 cm • 300 dpi
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Informazioni sull'opera
Disciplina artistica: Pittura
Soggetto e oggetti: Nudo artistico, Pittura di genere
Tecnica: Olio
Materiali: Tela
Data di creazione: 1906
Dimensioni: 86×53 cm
Contenuto 18+
Opera nelle compilazioni: 71 selections
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Descrizione del quadro «Galenika girls in the bath»

In the late 1880s Zorn begins to practice hard in a genre that will glorify him as much portraits: Nude outdoors. It not really bother with the plot and drama of these paintings, all of his attention captures the natural beauty of the lush, buxom bodies. the Artist paints women literally where found: during or after swimming in open water (1, 2, 3), or somewhere near it (1, 2).

Picture Zorn "Galenika girls in the bath" distracting from the overall series because water treatments are carried out indoors and passionate, literally fiery palette. According to some reports, for many works, the artist deliberately limited the choice of colors, preferring yellow ochre, cadmium red medium, ivory black and white. Looking at the painting and hear the Swedish big man says in his usual straightforward sharp manner: "How many it is necessary skillfully?"

Home sweet home

Wherever threw Zorn fate is in London, Chicago, St. Petersburg or Paris – it is always indomitable pulled home. With all his great and mighty heart he loved the Swedish hinterland, which was his cradle, and every time he always came back in order to update the context roots that have never been cut.

Dalarna is the name of the province where he was born (in modern Sweden corresponds to the administrative unit "Dalarna"). Every spring and summer he spent here in the manor Corriden, which began building in 1888, moved to acquired a plot of land in Moore old house of his grandfather. Here he met and his last sunset – a rare case when a biography of the artist is the same as the place of birth and death.

Zorn appreciated the simple, not differing special refinement or finesse the beauty of the local women. Of course, this was reflected in his work. One of the most vivid images of the Swedish peasant Margaret – he will write three years later, after the study in Carradine. And if her portrait and the image of girls in a makeshift village sauna is not shared 15 years, one could easily assume that Margaret is one of them: the same ruddy, strong, full-bodied blonde with a red ribbon in her hair.

From Zorn there another picturewith a very similar heroines, captured almost in the same scenery. And only the official date of its writing (the year before, "Glarnisch girls"), stopping to put the canvas in a diptych with them. But "bathers" is downright continue the story. Whether exhausted after hot water treatments, or tired of posing a restless painter, peasant Mona Lisa with a bored face watching the flames of the furnace – all with the same constant red ribbons in her hair.

The ridiculous

The speed at which he worked Zorn, was legendary. Said he is able to write nudity in just a single session. And looking at the confident, sprawling, determined smear – especially in the background of the painting "Galenika girls in the bath", painted almost conditionally willing to believe it.

The network runs historythat one artist told his teacher and the teacher – his teacher, personally attended the presentation at the St. Petersburg Academy of arts. Zorn was waiting for it to students demonstrated outstanding talent and sensational speed.

Further events developed as a joke. Eminent Swede is late, the threshold resets the coat of wolf fur with the fur cap and immediately begins to create. "We all expect a masterpiece, but so far except for some smears, randomly, as it seems to be applied to the canvas, we see nothing. But we believe in the talent and virtuosity of Zorn, we know that everything is still ahead, and we are waiting for the birth of the virtuoso performance of the female body. And here is what we least expected. Zorn said something standing next to him man, as you can see, my interpreter, who declares loudly: "Mr. Zorn said he's sorry he needs to stop working and he's tired. The session is postponed for tomorrow"".

The next day history repeats itself: the Maestro refers to fatigue and once again postpones the creation of a masterpiece. Arriving at the third session, none of the teachers and students weren't waiting for a miracle. But Zorn would not be Tornam if again has not deceived expectations: "We didn't have time to follow the brush that lightning went from palette to canvas and back. The artist almost did not think, did not pause, did not look at in nature, and only threw in her blazing eyes. And the canvas has a revived image. With every minute it became clearer and clearer. And suddenly we realized that the work is completed. It also ended unexpectedly as it had begun. All were silent. Zorn, the artistic movement is signed in the lower right corner, and the hall the audience applauded. And then we realized that the first two sessions Zorn was that he studied nature, prepared mixes, made myself some calculations, unknown to us, and prepared for the third session of the final. Both students and professors, in further discussing these three sessions Zorn, said that did not follow what was done by the artist during the first two sessions were so disappointed, and when was the third session, they didn't have time to analyze what is happening, so lightning fast it all happened. No one could afford to forgive".

Author: Natalia Azarenka