
United States • 1923−2002
Larry Rivers (eng. Larry Rivers; August 17, 1923, new York, USA – 14 Aug 2002, new York, USA) – American artist and sculptor, one of the predecessors pop art. Real name - itskhok of Lois Grossberg, Larry rivers, the artist began in the 1940s. he was Born into a family of Jewish immigrants from Ukraine. From a young age was interested in music and after army service during World war II he enrolled in the Juilliard school, where one of his classmates was the jazz musician miles Davis. Rivers toured America with various jazz bands as a saxophonist. However, in 1945, he showed artistic talent. In addition to painting rivers throughout his life he continued to study music, he also filmed documentaries and occasionally he played in the movie.

Features artist Larry rivers: in his works he often combines vigorous strokes, inherent abstract expressionismand advertising images characteristic of pop art. Mature works of the rivers differ careful drawing, a fine sense of color, he often uses complex, fragmented compositions. In 1961 he begins to use a promotional image, and a few years later creates on the basis of such images the collages.

Famous paintings by Larry rivers: "The funeral", "Double portrait of berdie", "History of the Russian revolution: from Marx to Mayakovsky".

Author: Eugene Sidelnikov
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