Anselm Frederick

Germany • 1829−1880

Biografia e informazioni

Received a General education in Frejburgskuû high school, began to seriously study drawing and painting in 1846 at the Düsseldorf Academy of arts. In 1848 he moved to Munich. Then in order to improve the flavour, he went to Antwerp and thence to Paris. From Paris, Anselm von Feuerbach in 1853 moved to Karlsruhe. From 1855 he settled permanently in Rome. In 1873, the artist was invited to the Professor of the Vienna Academy of fine arts, but in 1878 he abandoned this position, making his inability to be a teacher. The last two years of his life he spent in Venice.

The son of a Professor anselma Josef von Feuerbach, the nephew of the philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach. Received a General education in Frejburgskuû high school, began to seriously study drawing and painting in 1846 at the Düsseldorf Academy of arts under the direction of Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow, but poeticheskoe direction this artist has not had his taste, and in 1848 he moved to Munich, where for nearly two years with great benefit to himself had Carl Rahl. Then in order to improve the flavour, he went to Antwerp and thence to Paris. In the second of these cities first he worked under the supervision of couture, and then independently.

In addition to couture, a big influence on him Ingres. The first picture, with which he appeared before the public in 1852, "Hafiz in the tavern", was executed quite in the manner of the couture. From Paris, Anselm von Feuerbach in 1853 moved to rendezvous with his mother in Karlsruhe and after spending about a year there, he wrote "Death of Pietro Aretino", a beautifully composed work that speaks to the influence of couture partly, partly of Venetian masters, but exhibiting the passion of an artist to a cold, hard, grey colours (finished in 1857). Received from the Grand Duke of Baden, a scholarship to travel to Italy, Feuerbach spent some time in Venice, where he made the improvements to your flavor excellent copy of "Taking the virgin into heaven" by Titian, and wrote a lovely figure of "Poetry", and finally from 1855 he settled permanently in Rome.

Here he made friends with the Munich fan painting by Baron Adolf Friedrich von schack, who supported him by buying his paintings, and much contributed to his fame. In Rome were filled with the best works Anselm von Feuerbach: "Dante, strolling with the noble ladies of Ravenna" (1857, is the Kunsthalle (Karlsruhe)), "Ariosto in the society of noble ladies of Ferrara" (1862), "Francesca da Rimini and Paolo Malatesta" (1863), "Laura and Petrarch", "our lady and St. wife, mourning the deceased Savior" (1863), "Tivolska idyll", "Medea before her departure into exile" (1870, Neue Pinakothek, Munich), "The judgment of Paris" (1871), "Iphigenia" (1871, in the Stuttgart gallery), "Battle of Amazons" (1872), "a Feast in Plato" (1873, the New national gallery (Berlin)) and some others. In 1873, the artist was invited to the Professor of the Vienna Academy of fine arts, but in 1878 he abandoned this position, making his inability to be a teacher.

The last two years of his life he spent in Venice, doing ordered him to light the Assembly hall at the Vienna Academy; however, he managed to finish only an average picture of the dome depicting "the Overthrow of the titans", and some neighbouring parts, the whole ceiling was complete in his sketches of Christian Griepenkerl and G. Tenterton in 1892. Combining in his works classicism with romanticism, Feuerbach been the ability to invent majestic, beautiful, deeply meaningful song by a strict production of forms, plasticity modeling of figures, and the ability to give them a beautiful and natural movement and greater expressivity; but the desire to inform the paintings by famous mood often deprived him of the colors of freshness and brilliance, made him a painting a misty, dull and flat; however, this artist is highly talented, original and clearly Express their ideas and fascinating nobility and beauty of the images he created.