Alekseevich Bobrov

Russia • 1842−1918

Biografia e informazioni

Water color artist and academician of painting, was born in St. Petersburg province., Peterhof, in the village Guebuza, in 1842, was educated in Larinskaya and 2nd Petersburg gymnasium. In 1860 he entered the Academy of fine arts, where he received five silver medals. In 1867 G. B. left the Academy with the title of class artist of the 3rd degree; the following year exhibited work was recognized as the class artist 1-th degree, and in 1873 the academic. Academic exhibitions of works by B. began to appear in 1862 the First of his works perspective views of the rooms with figures and entire scenes. Then he devoted himself almost exclusively to portrait painting. In 1875 he became engaged in engraving strong vodka (eau-forte) and this case has made significant progress: his etchings, which number up to 100, appreciated by lovers of very highly. Some of these etchings are quite large. For success in this industry B. received from the Academy of fine arts for two consolation medals. Some of his female heads, French modern genre, also many appreciated. Portraits of B. it should be mentioned portraits: Redkina, Savic, gr. Valuev, gr. Kiseleva, Dostoevsky, Vereshchagin, Jordan, imp. Alexander II, Peter I, Serov, Ms. Krasovskaya, Sechenov, Sukhovo-Kobylin, poset, K. Manaseina, I. A. vyshnegradsky, the Minister of Finance. As a portraitist B. has a regular pattern and bright color. Special softness of the colors and lines were engraved his strong vodka portraits. B. — one of our most talented watercolorists.

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    3 users
  • Artworks in 2 collections and 3 selections
  • Stili
  • Tecniche
    Acquerello, Litografia, Olio, Sanguigna
  • Discipline artistiche
    Pittura, Arte grafica, Incisione
  • Soggetti
    Ritratto, Nudo artistico, Architettura, Paesaggio marino, Pittura di genere, Arredamento
  • Collettivi artistici
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