Konstantinovich Vasiltsov

Russia • nato a 1932

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. In creative cooperation with E. Garroway has created more than 60 monumental works in architecture, most of them in Moscow, also in Russian cities in the near and far abroad.

Basic technique: mosaic Roman (Byzantine) (smalt), Florence (marble and semi-precious stone).

Graduated MGHI them. V. I. Surikov. Lives in Moscow. Zharenova Eleanor

A., 1934 R., muralist, recipient of the

State prize of the USSR. In 1960 he graduated from MGHI them. I. Surikov.

Lives in Moscow.

The main collaboration in the architecture, reliefs, mosaics

the main entrance and lobby of the Central research Institute of Electronic Industry

/Kaluga,1971/; the relief with mosaic portal and decorative sculpture in

the pool of the Palace of culture October /Mary,1973/; mosaics in

the interior of the service station "Lada", Moscow, 1975; relief from

mosaic on the facade of the tsemi an SSSR, Moscow, 1976/; stained glass in the building

the Soviet Embassy in Morocco /Rabat,1976/; loop marquetry in the halls of the building of the Soviet centre of science and culture in India /Delhi, 1981-1982/;

Florentine mosaic "Historical Moscow" on the track walls of the station

metro Nagatinskaya, Moscow, 1982/; tapestry "Lenin is our banner" in the hall

meetings of the administrative building, Moscow, 1982, State prize


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