Vasilyevich Egorov

Russia • 1901−1942

Biografia e informazioni

(1901, Saratov – 1942, ibid)

Russian Soviet painter, graphic artist, teacher.

In 1920 – 1923 he studied at the Saratov art-industrial College of V. M. Yustitskogo, seconded by A. V. Lunacharskii on the Volga "to create proletarian art" and subtle painter, master of lyrical landscape PS Utkin.

Participant of exhibitions since 1922 ("Exhibition of paintings by contemporary artists in the starving", Saratov). A year later held his first personal exhibition Egorova.

In 20-ies – 30-ies of the Egorov – one of the most active and independent craftsmen among the Saratov artists. It was at this time created most of his works, pronounced original talent in the satirical-grotesque genre.In 1934 Egorov, who was forced due to a detected tuberculosis leave teaching in the Saratov art College, first moved to Dmitrov, then to Moscow, comes

member of MOSH. Being the main artist of the Moscow region Dmitrov, creates large canvases depicting the construction of the channel Moscow – Volga, reconstruction and new buildings of Moscow.

A serious illness left no strength for further work. Many of the plans remained unfulfilled. Artist, evacuated with his family to his native Saratov, died in early 1942.

Egorova works are in many museums around the country, including the Tretyakov gallery, Russian Museum, the Museum of fine arts. A. S. Pushkin, the Karakalpak GMI im.And.In.Savitsky.

Evgeny Vasilevich Egorov was born in Saratov in 1901. He studied at the Saratov art College in the turbulent and interesting time (1920-1923 gg). In those years in College taught by a wonderful and very diverse artists. First E. Egorov engaged in the workshop of V. M. Yustitskogo, which is sent to A. V. Lunacharsky to Saratov "to create proletarian art." V. Ustecky in the early 20-ies organizes avant-garde theatre POEMA (poets, artists, musicians), noise orchestra, the project comes up with a moving bridge through the Volga river, makes the city streets during the holidays. Egorov takes an active part in all undertakings of V. Yustitskogo, teacher and friend. Until the last days of life Eugene V. support with him a close relationship. The second teacher E. Egorov, Petr Savvich Utkin, fine artist, master of lyrical landscape. Thanks to the mentoring of so many different masters of creativity Egorova itself contains a variety of stylistic and figurative quest. On display are combined expressionist graphics from the "Old Saratov" primitivist paintings ("In the Saratov beer", "Tea Fedi Kurchavov") and realistic, calm and peaceful, Volga landscapes.

Will definitely attract the attention of viewers of paintings and graphic sheets devoted to Saratov time of the NEP. Perhaps none is so grotesquely and ironically did not describe the life of our city and the manners of its inhabitants in those years. Since 1922, the artist began to participate in the Saratov exhibitions, and in 1925 is a participant of exhibitions in Moscow and Leningrad. E. Egorov, along with V. A. Stickem and Mr. Sapozhnikov, called the Metropolitan critics to be one of the most interesting artists of Saratov.

Since 1934, he lives in Moscow, participates in exhibitions and works hard, but, nevertheless, in 1940, the year he writes the following: "If I were on the Volga and worked less than now, I know that everything done would be greater because it is importantly, mine, what I love and want."