Mikhailovich Cheremnykh

Russia • 1890−1962

Schedule Nar. hood. RSFSR (1952), full member AH the USSR (1958). Studied at I. Mashkov's Studio in Mugusa (1911-17) K. Korovin and S. Malyutin. Worked with V. Mayakovsky in "Windows of GROWTH", and later collaborated in the "Windows TASS", from 1922 – in the well. "Crocodile". In 1949-62 taught in ISKCON. hood. the Institute, since 1950 Professor. Master watered. cartoons and posters, vol. Fig. The Winner Of The St. Ave. (1942).

The Soviet timetable, people's artist of the RSFSR (1952), full member AH the USSR (1958)

1890 Born in Tomsk.

1910 Arrives in Tomsk University at faculty of medicine.

1911 Moved to Moscow. Working in the Studio Mashkov.

1911-1917 Studies at the Moscow school of painting, sculpturing and architecture from Konstantin Korovin, S. Malyutina.

1911-1917 Draws caricatures of popular artists and cartoons on international topics in the Newspapers "Evening news," "Early morning".

1918-1919 Makes satirical drawings for Newspapers and magazines "Kommunar", "Poor".

1919 Creates together with V. Mayakovsky and I. Malyutin "Window satire GROWTH".

1919-1922 the Head of the artistic part of the "Window satire GROWTH". The author of many "Windows".

1922 One of the founders of the magazine "Crocodile".

1922-1962 Permanent artist-satirist of the magazine "Crocodile".

1922-1930 years of Cooperating in the magazine "Red pepper", "Splinter", "Lapot", the Onion. Pays special attention to the themes of struggle against bureaucracy.

1932 - the Honoured art worker of the RSFSR

1939-1941 Acts as a theater artist. Prepares performances at the Leningrad Maly Opera theater, the Opera and ballet Theatre in Minsk.

1941 One of the organizers and a member of the "TASS Windows".

1942 Stalin prize for participation in the creation of "Window TASS".

1942-1943 in Charge of the poster workshop in Biysk.

1950, Approved the rank of Professor.

1950-1954 Leads workshop poster Moscow state art Institute (MGHI). V. I. Surikov.

1952 people's artist of the RSFSR.

1954-1962 Head of the graphics Department of the Moscow state art Institute im. V. I. Surikov.

1954 corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of arts.

1958 member of the Academy of arts of the USSR.

1962 Died in Moscow.

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