Maximilianovich Dulsky

Russia • 1879−1956

Biografia e informazioni

Art, chart.

On 23 March 1879 was born in the city of Orhei in the Moldovan SSR.

1904 — graduated from the graphic Department of the Kazan art school.

1904-1911 years — lived and worked in the city of Kirov.

1919 — graduated from Kazan state University.

1934 — member of the Union of artists of TASSR.

1935-1939 years — lived and worked in Leningrad.

1940 — the Honoured art worker of the Tatar ASSR.

8 March 1956 died in Kazan.

Lived and worked in Kazan.

Peter maksimilianovich Dulsky is considered to be the founder of the Kazan art history who have made great contribution to development of culture of the Republic of Tatarstan. He was a prominent art historian, a major scholar of cultural and historical heritage of the Volga-Kama region, a remarkable organizer of artistic life, a Museum building and publishing of our Republic, social worker, artist, teacher.

P. M. Dulsky was born 23 Mar 1879 in Bessarabia (now Moldova) in the city of Orhei. In 1889 arrives in Chisinau the first high school, then continued his education at the Odessa drawing school. In 1899 P. Dulsky moved to Kazan and entered the Kazan art school.

After graduation in 1904, P. M. Dulsky was appointed teacher of drawing in the town of Slobodskoy, Vyatka province.

In 1911, P. M. Dulsky was transferred to Kazan as a teacher of the first real school.

The initial period of his work mostly involves the study of architectural-artistic image of Kazan and the study of the most significant monuments of architecture, painting, graphics. P. M. Dulsky returns to the people the names of many forgotten artists and architects by exploring their creativity and collection of material about them.

Further Dulsky repeatedly refers to the in-depth study of the Kazan architecture, introducing into the scientific circulation of the whole layers of the history of art culture of Kazan.

In the years 1917-1920 he is actively involved in the Museum construction, organization of accounting, registration and protection of monuments, and especially in the publishing work; was elected a Keeper of the art Department of the Kazan Museum, where he worked until 1930, is the initiator and editor of the journal `Kazan Museum journal`. Published articles and books P. M. Dulsky, dedicated to different problems of history of art and the works of some painters.

From mid-1920-ies Dul pays great attention to the study of the Tatar folk art. In expeditions to regions of the Republic he collected materials on the Tatar ornament, national wooden architecture, art crafts and crafts.

In 1930, P. M. Dulsky has been teaching at various institutions of Kazan. Actively involved in the creation of the Union of artists of TASSR, in 1936-1938 years, is its first Chairman.

P. M. Dulsky died 8 March 1956, buried in the Arsk cemetery of Kazan.

  • Tecniche
    Acquerello, Pastello
  • Discipline artistiche
  • Collettivi artistici
  • Studi