Pavlovich Kozlov

United States • 1911−2001

Biografia e informazioni

Painter, honored. hood. Of the RSFSR (1981). He graduated from the Omsk hood.-PED. Uch-school (1937). Lived and worked in Omsk. Thematic paintings, portraits, landscapes "the Arrival of a red army soldier to his native village" (1939), "the card of the great Patriotic war" (1947), "Irtysh" (1947), "Galya is the daughter of the artist" (1948), "Lisa Chaikin" (1949), "Omsk carpet" (1958), "Lenin and Krupskaya in Shushenskoe" (1961), "Tobol" (1968), "Lenin and Gorky" (1972), "Holiday of October" (1976), "Artists. Group portrait of Omsk artists" (1983), etc.

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Features of the time, which was a great social achievements, the country called the USSR, the victory in the great Patriotic war, a national construction and major transformations - all directly or indirectly reflected in the works created from 1920 to 1990-ies Timofey Pavlovich Kozlov. The spirit of the time, its special properties the artist managed to capture in a large-scale thematic paintings, formal portraits and even in such a relatively neutral genre like urban landscape. Among the heroes of the works of masters - ordinary people, ordinary people that he lived with all these difficult, challenging but happy years. The artist also left a whole gallery of his eminent contemporaries, creating portraits of the Hero of Socialist Labor I. Tregubova, Hero of the Soviet Union V. A. Goloskokov, academicians V. P. Bisyarina, G. I. Marchuk and M. L. Lavrent'ev, figures of science and culture M. S. Rabinovich, T. M. Belozerova, L. I. Ivanov and others.

Few artists ventured on such a demanding and important a genre as a group portrait. T. P. Kozlov twice, with a gap of a quarter of a century, captured in the paintings of his colleagues in 1957 ("the Creative report") and in 1983 ("Artists"). These works are now not only artistic but also historical heritage of Omsk. In group portraits he was able to give each unobtrusive but attentive eye readable feature. Clear attitude to each person, and however obvious their own position in art.

One of the most famous works of T. P. Kozlov's painting "the card of the great Patriotic war" (1947). In my unprofessional art definition, this work is monumental and lyrical. Its plot is simple, almost artless: a large map of the country where the red markings indicated the advance of the troops of the native army, there are people - adults, children. And even a relatively large free space of the painting "completed": this rarefied air was filled with living human feelings - hope, experienced grief, undying desire to live and a strong faith in victory, at best, bright days...

Timofey Pavlovich lot and worked successfully. His image - a stately, white-haired, always a bit Bohemian (so remember it and know several generations of artists and admirers of the fine arts) is a very suitable word "mater", a teacher, a mentor, a man of considerable talents and extensive knowledge. He was and still is in our perception of the artist in the Grand style.

(the article "features of Grand style", Omsk newspaper)

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