Leonidovich Komarov

Russia • 1927−1996

Biografia e informazioni

Born in the village of Palekh in the Ivanovo region.
Studied at the Palekh art school.
A participant of regional, zonal, Republican and international exhibitions since 1948.
Member of the Union of artists of Russia.

In childhood, when was sad, sick at heart, went into the woods from shame, from people, from myself. Imbued with exceptional beauty and charm of nature, the boy in the shower has become an artist. And ahead the years of adolescence and learning and the Palekh art school.

In 1948, after graduating from College. D. Mosquitoes coming to the Altai. Beginning of a creative way Diya Komarova noted expectations. The artist is engaged in monumental paintings in the Palekh manner, doing work to order. Many of them are preserved in rural areas, the schools and colleges of the city.

The artist draws the historical theme. A number of paintings created in 50-ies, dedicated to the revolutionary history of the Altai - "the story of the heroism" (1951), "the Capture of Kolchak's train Altai partisans" (1957), "Questioning Sukhov" (1959).

However, with the exhibition of 1949, which D. Mosquito first showed his work a marked interest in the landscape. So decided the fate of the artist that the genre has become Central to his work. A great role was played by the visit to the House of creativity "Academic dacha". They helped him become established in the tradition of lyrical landscape, to preserve the immediacy of perception.

Spending time in the open air, Komarov D. running very fast for a long time, in many versions written by one and the same motive of desire, without losing the amazing moments, to Express, to throw out the flood of feelings and capture on canvas the fleeting state of color relations.

In his landscapes, the richness of sound, meaningful emotion, most of the work - intimacy - "Branch" (1962), "Into the woods" (1981), "the Cherry blossoms" (1987). One of my favorite series - "moonlight Sonata". There are about 10 works, created in different years. It is night scenery - "silent night" (1981), "the moon Rose" (1974), "Autumn silence" (1982), "March" (1981). The artist no associations with the famous Beethoven Sonata, he has his own, distinctive style: the melody sounds when you watch the scenery of the series and imbued with the feelings of the artist.

A special place in the works of Diya Komarov is flowers. They had in numerous still lifes. Claude Monet's own words: "what became a painter, I owe it to flowers". Perhaps these words can rightly be attributed to Dios Komarov.

The artist conveys in their canvases the beauty of what he saw, expressed in the landscape, the wealth of personality with an inspired view of nature, aesthetic and ethical ideals. Is it because this genre is so important, at all times modern.

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